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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Snakebites: First aid  

Most North American snakes aren't poisonous. Some exceptions include the rattlesnake, coral snake, water moccasin and copperhead.

Excepting the coral snake, these poisonous snakes have slit-like eyes. Their heads are triangular, with a depression, or pit, midway between the eyes and nostrils.

Other characteristics are unique to certain poisonous snakes:

* Rattlesnakes make a rattling sound by shaking the rings at the end of their tail.

*Water moccasins have a white, cottony lining in their mouth.

* Coral snakes have red, yellow and black rings along the length of their body.

To reduce your risk of a snakebite, avoid picking up or playing with any snake. Most snakes usually avoid people if possible and bite only when threatened or surprised.

If you've experienced a snakebite:

* Remain calm

* Don't try to capture the snake

* Immobilize the bitten arm or leg and try to stay as quiet as possible

* Remove jewelry, because swelling tends to progress rapidly

* Apply a loose splint to reduce movement of the affected area, but make sure it is loose enough that it won't restrict blood flow

* Don't use a tourniquet or apply ice

* Don't cut the wound or attempt to remove the venom

Seek medical attention as soon as possible, especially if the bitten area changes color, begins to swell or is painful.

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